
Aoundamas Aoundamas is an ecommerce excellence tasked to tackle a niche market of the finest Damascus Knife enthusiasts. Committed to forging disruption in the local and foreign market, Aoundamas delivers unprecedented quality, at undeniable pricing. By creating a definitive ecommerce platform engaging a sector of admirers which previously remained untouched on a global scale, the… Continue reading Aoundamas

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SphereOak SphereOak is a one-stop solution for all things IT. With a team of highly qualified and technically adept seasoned professionals – they are currently offering their services in the U.K. with an eye on the global market. Offering competitive rates, and top of the line services, SphereOak is gaining ground, making waves with their… Continue reading SphereOak

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Peervest Peervest, managed by a team of highly-qualified and ambitious entrepreneurs with a background in accounting and finance from IBA, functions to serve as a fund sourcing platform, by bridging the gap between promising start-ups and potential investors. With a vision to introduce crowdfunding as a safe and viable fundraising option for Pakistan’s start-ups. It… Continue reading Peervest

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